Everything For Your NG Group

Have you just started a New Generation group? Here you can find A DOWNLOADABLE GUIDE FOR HOW TO START PLUS three steps ABOUT WHAT TO DO NOW!


1. Have the first meeting

No matter if you are alone, or if you have a complete group it is a good idea to have a first meeting. Take a moment were you sit down and think through what you want with your group. Maybe start planning to do something like an outreach. It’s also good to pray for the group and inviting God to be a part of it.

Further down on this page you'll find different types of recourses and ideas for outreaches for your NG group


2. Take the first step

Do a small outreach that don’t need a lot of preparation! Think about what your school need and convert that faith into action. Look to yourself and the group and analyze what are you good at and what talents and abilities you can use. What outreach do you want to do at your school or university?



When you’ve started a New Generation group it’s good to get the word out there that the group exists! Some suggestions is to start some social media accounts, put up posters and use the communication platforms provided at your school or uni. It's also positive to tell your principal/people in charge that you've started the group and briefly explain what you want to do. It’s good if them to understand who you are and that you want to improve the atmosphere. 

Resources To Download

Make your NG group visible at school/uni

If you need any help or tips for how to use the different posters, click here!


These are true stories from New Generation groups. Take this as an inspiration and evidence that God can make a way in your school aswell.


Isak found Jesus in school

Isak went from not understanding how people could have faith, to becoming a Christian himself. His journey to Christ started at a New Generation group gathering at his school.

Read the whole interview here


Two of Victor’s friends became a follower of Christ

Victor is the leader of the New Generation group in Celsiusskolan, Uppsala. Victor has been proud of his faith and after many prayers, questions and conversations - Victor has witnessed two of his friends accepting Jesus as their saviour.

Read more about it here


A mission given by God

This is the New Generation group in Mullsjöskolan, Sweden. Even though they aren’t allowed to have group gatherings or organise outreaches at their school the group has grown and they linger in prayer for opportunities to come for them to spread the love of Christ.

Read more about it here


Theme Day Calendar

During a year there are SO many opportunities for outreaches with your New Generation group! One way to frame an outreach is to use an established theme day :) Sometimes that helps both with creativity to come up with ideas and with getting permission to do your outreach.



11 • Cebab Day
22 • Hobbit Day
21 • International Day of Peace
29 • Coffee Day


4 • Cinnamon Bun Day
5 • International Day For Teachers
18 • Chocolate Muffin Day
22 • International CAPS LOCK Day
24 • UN Day


4 • Candy Day
• Mud Cake Day
11 • Chocolate Day
14 • Cheesecake Day
17 • International Day of Students
22 • Thanksgiving
26 • Cake Day
28 • Giving Tuesday


4 • National Sock Day 9 • Gingerbread Day
10 • Human Rights Day
13 • Cocoa Day
14 • Monkey Day
• Cookie Day
25 • Christmas Day


1 • International Pizza Day
3 • J.R.R Tolkien Day
15 • Tulip Day
18 • Winnie The Poh Day
19 • Popcorn Day
21 • Hug Day and Martin Luther King Day


14 • Valentines Day
25 • Grapefruit Day


1 • Hug A Librarian Day and Compliments Day
14 • Pi Day
17 • St Patrick's Day
20 • International Day Of Joy
21 • International Colour Day
25 • Waffle Day


12 • Liquorice Day
14 • Sope Bubble Day
23 • World Book Day


4 • Star Wars Day
11 • Chocolate Ball Day
22 • Picnic Day
27 • Muffin Day


1 • Mobile Free Day
5 • All Friends Day


Summer Outreach


The Perfect summer outreach

On a warm summer day - what is more fitting than a cold and fresh juice? This is a perfect outreach for a day on the end of the semester. This outreach can really bring you the opportunity to talk about your New Generation group and about your faith because a lot of people will probably ask you guys why you are handing out juice. Click the button below to go to the outreach guide!

Christmas Outreaches

The Christmas box

Give your fellow students or your schoolmates the best present this Christmas season - share the message of the Saviour, Jesus Christ.

This Christmas New Generation is organizing an awesome, global, evangelistic outreach! The idea is to hand out small boxes as a Christmas gift at your school or university.
When the receiver lifts the lid, the box falls to it's sides and becomes a card shaped like a cross. On this card you can share your faith. To make the boxes even more festive you can fill them with some candies or chocolates.


To be a part of the campaign download the Christmas box through the button below and follow the tutorial to see how you make the box. To the right you can follow step by step as well.

Valentines Day Outreach

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Valentines Day is coming up - and with that an amazing opportunity to do an outreach to spread the greatest love of all - the love of God! Make this a day to be remembered at your school or uni and spread the gospel to your friends. Here you'll find a few helpful resources to get you on your way!


Most NT Bibles are so small that an A4 paper is enough to wrap them and make them into the most loving Valentines present ever. Here you'll find a downloadable kit with a bunch of different designs!


Handing out different types of sweets is a popular outreach done by New Generation groups on Valentines Day. To make sure people know who's doing the outreach and where they should go if they have questions - print and cut these lables and tape them to the sweets. Many groups also print hearts and put them on students lockers etc. Also a nice idea! 


This is the basic idea as the one above - but with a twist.

Challenge sheet 

Join this challenge of different small outreaches to do during the week of Valentines Day! Download the PDF and get going!

Compliment collection

Are you making a bigger outreach for Valentines and think it's difficult to come up with what to write to everybody? Download this PDF with suggestions for compliments!

Easter Outreach

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Give a way a small gift with a big message this Easter - give away the Bible. A small gift can really make a huge difference for someone. Here you will find som ideas on different ways you can make a Bible handout perfect for Easter! Down below there is two guides you can download.


Here you will find a few ideas to do a few bigger outreaches for your whole class!


Here you will find ideas on how to make different Easter hunts!


Here is some other ideas on what you and your group can do this Easter!

Bible Handout


Bible outreach

There is many ways to go about when handing out a Bible, here is a guide with 3 ideas on how to give the Bible to a friend at your school!


Here you will find a downloadable kit with a bunch of different wrapping papers. You can print them out and wrap a small NT Bible in them, maybe it will add a nice touch to your present!

Festive outreaches

To spread a more festive atmosphere at your school, why not decorate it? Here is a tutorial on how to make your own garland!

To spice things up a little when you're handing out baked goodies here is an easy and cheap way to decorative flags!