Two of Victors friends became a follower of Christ
Victor is the leader of the New Generation-group in Celsiusskolan in Uppsala, Sweden. He has not been ashamed of his faith, on the contrary, Victor has been proud. Victor has, after many questions, prayer and conversations, witnessed two of his friends accepting Jesus as their saviour.
It was during the autumn semester in the first year of upper secondary school when Victor realised that his school needed Jesus. He decided to start spread the gospel in his class and talk more about his faith with his classmates. He started by shouting out Amen! during cheerful conversation and began wearing a cross necklace. Eventually, Victor got some questions about his faith. His friends had become curious.
Emils story
One day when Victor and three of his friends hung out after school the conversation took an unusual route. They started to talk about Jesus. Victor began describing his personal relationship with God. Someone who listened intensively was Emil. He had never heard someone describe God in the way Victor was doing. Emil and his family are atheists, but the conversation planted a seed in Emil's heart.
Weeks that followed were filled with conversations about faith between the two friends. Victor gave Emil a bible and answered all of Emil's questions. The seed that had been planted before had started to grow and about a year later, during a natural science lesson, Emil became a follower of Christ. Emil and Victor sat alone in a group room and studied natural science. Victor started drawing figures related to their studies on the whiteboard when Emil started to ask some questions about faith. Victor doesn't know what happened next. As he continued to draw, he explained the gospel of Jesus Christ. Suddenly Victor realise that he has written sin = death and gets scared thinking he’s gone too far too soon in the process. That wasn't the case, because Emil started to understand Jesus's love for him. Victor asked Emil if he wanted to be a follower of Christ and Emil answered:
- Yes, or is it allowed to try?
Victor began to explain what it means to be a follower. Emil is determined. Who am I to deny the truth? Victor didn´t know what to do next. He took up his phone and seach for: how to get my friend saved on Google. Romans 10:9 came up:
“If you declare with your month, “Jesus is Lord” and belive in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”
The two friends started to pray the salvation prayer together and suddenly Emil shouted out “woow”. He felt God's presence. Victor explains that he felt God's guidance through the conversation and prayer.
Rasmus story
It was during a school day dedicated to sports that Rasmus asked Victor if they could pray together. Rasmus is another friend of Victor that have started to show interest in Jesus. Rasmus gathered a couple of friends and Victor started praying for whatever came to his mind. Afterwards, Rasmus told Victor that he believes God is real but before Victor got a chance to ask more, they got interrupted and had to continue the school day.
Rasmus had loads of questions and the two of them had many conversations about faith. Victor invited Rasmus to church and he was hesitant at first. But, when Friday came around and all the youth gathered in the church was Rasmus one of them. He even came to the Sunday service later that weekend. From that day forward, Rasmus has been regularly going to church.
One evening, when Rasmus and Victor were hanging out, Victor asked if Rasmus wanted to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Victor says:
- I asked “Do you want to give your life to Jesus?” and he answered that he didn't know. “I know that I will give my life to Jesus at some point, I just don't know if I am ready now” and I answered that it is cool. No stress. And then, the very next day, he texted me “Victor, I've said yes”. WOOW. Now I, Rasmus and Emil have started a bible reading plan together. It is so cool! I am very excited about the future.
Victor continues with that he sees himself as the pastor of his school and has been very encouraged about his friend's journey. Victor expresses his gratefulness to God.
- I can barely believe what has happened!