How to share the reason for the season?
The smell of gingerbread, hot chocolate, and freshly baked saffron buns is tangible. The hanging stars in people's windows and the shining lights in the trees are indispensable. A runny nose and warm clothes are a necessity. Yes, the Christmas season is definitely here. But there is more to this season than sweets, lights, and cozy stuff - right? We are in a season of celebrating that hope, peace, and light was born in a human form and His name is Jesus. But how can we share “the reason for the season” with someone who is not a christian? Here comes three tips:
Be honest about what the Christmas season means to you.
What makes the Christmas season perfect when it comes to having a conversation about faith is the natural way to get there. No matter if you are a christian or not, the majority celebrates Christmas in some way. So the next time you and your classmates are having a conversation about your Christmas traditions, be honest about what this season means to you. Maybe this will be your first time opening up about your faith to your closest friends in school. Have the courage to do it! You never know what God can do through that.
Invite your classmate to a Christmas play in your Church
Sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming to share the whole Jesus-birth story for a person who has never heard of it before. What if you could invite your classmate to a Christmas play instead. If your church is not doing a play, try to find another church in the surrounding area that makes one. It not only gives them a perspective of what the Christmas season means for you, but it also opens up for them to enter a church and experience the body of Christ. What if it could be the beginning of their journey of faith?
Give a Bible to someone as a Christmas gift
No matter what season it is, we are always called to be generous people. However, the Christmas season is an excellent time of telling your classmate what this season actually means to you, by being generous and giving a Bible. For many people, the Bible is just a book. But it is the perfect gift as we know that the words in there are alive and powerful [Hebrews 4:12] and something that can change human life. By giving a Bible today, seeds could be planted and give beautiful growth in the future.