Anton Became a Christian
At the church it burned with the same warmth that I felt during the New Generation meeting. I got to experience a sermon and worship for the first time. I have completely forgot what the sermon was about, but one thing I won’t forget from that night is when I got home. When I closed the door to my room I felt something I’ve never felt before. All fears, all doubt, all evil thoughts that I’ve carried my whole life, just washed away. Melted away, like snow. I felt purified. Whole. I started crying out of shock. What in the world did I just experience?
The next day I went for a walk, and climbed a little mountain that’s in my area. On that mountain I listened to some of the worship songs I heard in church, and I felt the same feeling fill me up again. There and then I said my yes to God. I realized that something more powerful and greater had transformed me than I could ever have imagined. Something more.
An ordinary Thursday Anton went to the New Generation meeting at his school for the first time. That was the beginning of his journey of becoming a Christian. This is his story.
“It was a grey Thursday sometime in the middle of April as I went to New Generation for the first time. It was a friend who had brought me there. The second I stepped in I was greeted with warmth. The warmth was reflected and radiated from the people sitting at the table having coffee. In some weird way I was almost intoxicated by the energy that was in the room. Extremely indescribable.
The day after (the Friday) I was invited to church by one of the guys I’ve talked with the day before. I was hesitant if I wanted to go with them, but something told me that this maybe would be worth it. What did I have to lose?
I got baptized two weeks later. Even if I’ve had storms in my life, both before and after I got saved, I’ve never doubted God’s goodness. He really is a source to happiness, love and completeness. I’m extremely thankful that I was able to get a hold of God, through New Generation, through church, and through my amazing friends, that led me during my journey.