You were called for such a time like this!
We as Christians are called to share the gospel, share our testimonies and share the teachings of Jesus. How we do it differs from person to person based on our gifts and callings. Jesus died not only for you, but for your family, your classmates, your colleagues, the people of your town and even your enemies. Jesus has established the relationship between man and God, and he wants everyone to know that, also young people. Therefore, the school is a highly relevant mission field, because all kinds of people go through it.
School time passes by so quickly. I can't wrap my head around how fast time goes and in an instant, school is over. I didn't think that I would think along those lines and fall into the category that a few years ago I would have called “boring adults”. But yet still I’m sitting here realizing how the school's hourglass has run out and what once was called the present has become history. Now that I've graduated, my time at school has passed. My school-days turned out the way they turned out, for better or for worse. I personally put a lot of effort into making the social game run as smoothly as possible and when it got awkward I tried to find the fastest way out. Especially when it came to Christianity and God. I think this is common among young Christians today - that you are a safe Christian with your believing friends, and an insecure Christian among your non-Christian friends. You don't have that extra discussion, maybe you don't stand up when you should, and you follow the jargon that prevails. At least these were incredibly tangible phenomena during my school-days.
“Don’t prioritize your own comfort before someone else’s salvation. ”
There's a lot I wish my younger self would have known. Actually, from the time that I was a small child until I graduated, there is a lot I wish I had known, but a realization I've made is that life is lived forward, but understood backwards. Therefore, it is a great privilege and a great honour to eventually speak into someone's life who may need to hear the things God has made me realize and the things He has laid on my heart. I've learnt that people's opinion of you really doesn't matter. Standing up for what's right, your own opinions and principles is so much more important and in some cases you are respected by that as a positive side effect. Don't prioritize your own comfort before someone else's salvation. This may cost you social status, it clearly did with the Christians I went to school with. I was not one of them and I look back at those days and regret that I was a coward, and at that same glance, I look at those who really dared to stand up for their beliefs with great respect.
What I want to convey to you reading this is that YOU really matter. You were called for such a time like this. God looks upon you with joy and wants to use you for the glory of his kingdom. The day of grace is here and He wants your classmates, colleagues, family and friends to know that. That’s the reason why school is a great mission field and also the reason why YOUR time in school matters a lot. Let us as Christians encourage each other so that we can together shape the present to become the history we want to look back upon.