Everyday World Changers
If you think about the World Changers of our time, maybe you start to think about different historical people with great influence. People who've made a positive impact on their era or passionate worked for justice. If you think about it, these people are not necessarily similar to each other. They maybe are of various ages, professions or origin - they might even seem quite different from each other. Sometimes it's easier to look at others and think that they are something extraordinary which explains their ability to make a difference. But the truth is, what they who are known as "World Changers" often have in common is being just ordinary people who have started in the small initiative with a determination not just to watch, but to act for a difference!
“When everyone else shrugs, a World Changer chooses to care!”
In Isaiah 6:8, Isaiah encounters God. "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!”. I love this attitude from Isaiah! It's not like God gives him a well-explained plan that he considers whether he wants to fulfill or not. In this situation, he can just rely on God and that He knows what's going on. Surely he has questions but Isaiah still puts his trust in God and says "Yes!". That's an attitude for a World Changer, to make revolt against the fears trying to stop us. To live for others sometimes requires the courage to take a step out of our own comfort zone for the sake of others. We sometimes have to warn our heart, like C.S Lewis said, "Courage, dear heart.”
To share your faith in school isn't always easy or fully comfortable. Not like it's troublesome or takes special knowledge but it sometimes asks of you to swim against the tide and stand out from the crowd - just like the historical World Changers did. When everyone else shrugs, a World Changer chooses to care! When nobody cares to act, a World Changer act and try as hard as it can to make the best of it. When everybody loses their hope, a World Changer choose to believe for a change.
“When you stand up against your fears - that’s how you change the world around you.”
From my point of view, 'to live for others first', is not primarily about great deeds in human standards. It's about to say 'Yes!' when God calls your heart. When you invite the lonely kid in the class to your movie night or offers your time to a friend who needs someone to talk to. When you stand up against your fears - that's how you change the world around you. Say "Yes!" to Jesus and changes your world, step by step!