The cross and you in school

Some weeks ago I walked into a restaurant that was filled with people. It was so crowded, that it was almost an impossible task to get across the restaurant, from the buffet to my table, without dropping my tray on the way. Suddenly I became aware of the shirt I wore. Before I’ve always been so bold about wearing it since the text on it says “Love like Jesus”. But this time was different and a fear began to grow inside of me about the fact that someone might point it out. These last few weeks I’ve thought about this event and once again, I’ve realized, that because of Jesus I don’t have to live my life the same as everyone else. 

For anyone present during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, it must have been an odd experience. On the surface, it looked like Jesus was defeated. Like if evil had won. Either way, the days after Jesus said “It is finished” changed the world. If you are a Christian today you know that in real life, Jesus won. This led to the fact that the cross in itself isn’t only a commonly used icon, but a symbol whose meaning changes lives. This is something your friends in school might not be aware of. That they are loved by a God who wants a relationship with them. Would you want them to know that?

C.S. Lewis highlighted something really amazing when he said “Christ died for you individually just as much as if you’d been the only man in the world”. God’s greatest declaration of love happened at the cross. For me, for you and for the person in school who doesn’t know him yet. Therefore our mission is to love like Jesus, even at times when fear and circumstances tries to fool us. So let me encourage you today to wear that Christian merch or Christian jewellery in school - just because someone might point it out.


Rebecca Westergård